Contact Closure
The Remote Control connector at the rear of the switch is a set of volt-free contacts which can be used to remotely control the switch via an attached cable. If you connect the COM (Common) terminal with A, it will toggle Zone A, connect COM with B to toggle Zone B and so on.
The contacts are momentary and would detect pulses of 250ms.

What is Contact Closure?
The Remote Control connector at the rear of the switch is a set of volt-free contacts which can be used to remotely control the switch via an attached cable. If you connect the COM (Common) terminal with A, it will toggle Zone A, connect COM with B to toggle Zone B and so on.
The contacts are momentary and would detect pulses of 250ms.
Uses for Contact Closure
Physical Switching
You can use simple low gauge cable such as Cat5 / Cat6 / Telephone / Alarm cable to connect this to a physical momentary switch. Eg, run a cable to a wall switch in a room to turn the speakers on and off from there.
Control Systems
You are able to connect these contacts to relay terminals on another system to toggle zones on Audioflow. For example, this is ideal for use with a Loxone Miniserver / Relay Extension, a Savant SmartHost / SmartControl or Lutron QSE-IO.